Gorely (Russia)

Status Normal Eruption 2010 1799m
Caldera (Subduction zone / Continental crust (> 25 km))


Gorely volcano consists of five small overlapping stratovolcanoes constructed along a WNW-ESE line within a large 9 x 13.5 km caldera. The caldera formed about 38,000-40,000 years ago accompanied by the eruption of about 100 km3 of tephra. The massive complex includes 11 summit and 30 flank craters, some of which contain acid or freshwater crater lakes; three major rift zones cut the complex. Another Holocene stratovolcano is located on the SW flank. Activity during the Holocene was characterized by frequent mild-to-moderate explosive eruptions along with a half dozen episodes of major lava extrusion. Early Holocene explosive activity, along with lava flows filled in much of the caldera. Quiescent periods became longer between 6000 and 2000 years ago, after which the activity was mainly explosive. About 600-650 years ago intermittent strong explosions and lava flow effusion accompanied frequent mild eruptions. Historical eruptions have consisted of moderate Vulcanian and phreatic explosions.

Part of the summit complex of Gorely volcano is seen in this view from the south. Gorely, also known as Gorely Khrebit, is one of the most active volcanoes in southern Kamchatka. Five small overlapping stratovolcanoes, constructed within a large caldera, contain 11 summit and 30 flank craters. Historical eruptions, consisting of vulcanian and phreatic explosions of moderate volume, have commonly produced ash columns that are visible from Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka's largest city.

Photo by Phil Austin, University of Southern Florida, 1992 (courtesy of Pavel Kepezhinskas).

Last updated 2019-12-11 02:00:03

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